Thursday, June 6, 2013

EMB-190/195s flying the coastlines

After the last 1.5 years touring the world in E-jets I set out to fly (as I've never done before) the coastlines.  Planning on another six months for this; this is not a direct route!

Juneau across the north to Kamchatka.
Down the East Coast of China and Vietnam.
Across Philippines and PNG to Australia.
Counter-clock-wise around Oz and then across Indonesia.
Down the Eastern side of India, up the Western side.
Up the Red Sea and Counter-clock-wise around the Mediterranean.
Back down the Red Sea and Eastern coasts of Africa.
Around Cape Horn and up the Western side to Canarias.
Western Europe and across the North Atlantic via Iceland.
Down the Eastern US and Caribbean.
Down the Eastern coasts of Brazil and Argentina, up past Chile and Peru.
Through Central America and the Western US back to Alaska.


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