Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Facing a new flightsimming challenge here:
Our April 2014 Feature Flight Of The Month ( will ask us to fly to our "Favorite FS Airports".  There are so many good and fun places to fly to I'm not sure that I can pick a single "favorite"; so my solution is to name off about 40 great places to sim.  I will then fly to each of them and hopefully by the end I'll have, at the very least, a top five.

Starting with our June 2013 FOTM I set out from Queensland New Zealand to Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii.  Conveniently our July FOTM is in Hawaii.  From there I continued to hit some of my favorite spots:
Santa Barbara, CA
Juneau, AK
Victoria, BC
San Diego, CA
Tegucigalpa, HD
Merida, VZ
Medellin, CL
Quito, EC
Arequipa, PU
Puerto Montt, CH
Santos, Rio, BZ
Valencia, VZ
St. Maarten's
Korfu, GC
Innsbruck, AS
Templehoff, Berlin
Kristiansand, NO
Sofia, BG
Rasht, Iran
Beirut, LB
Goma, DRC
Abd al Kuri
Butuan, Philippines

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