Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fly like it's 1972

I don't know about you but I go through phases in my simming; flying 727s for a month, then DC-3s, then A380s and 777s, then float planes etc. Well, I think I'm into some designs from about 1970 at this moment. For our July feature Flight of the Month I flew an Air India DC-10 from Mumbai to Amsterdam and then I took a 737-200 up to G'dansk. These two legs marked the beginnings of this Around the World Tour! From Europe I planned to continue around the planet using repaints of the DC-10 and 732.

Somewhere in there I was able to fit in another 737 leg from G'dansk to Zagreb followed up with another DC-10 flight to Addis.

When I was in Africa in the early 1970s I remember flying on a brand new Ethiopian 737-200 and I have been fond of the aircraft and livery ever since – it may have been my first 737 flight! So, Addis to Nairobi was my next flight. Finally I took another DC-10 from Nairobi up to Milan. It was a long flight over endless desert before I finally reached the Mediterranean. I flew over Malta and Palermo before descending into a dark and very foggy Milan – it was a CAT-II landing!

Our October feature flight was in Venezuela ( so I took another DC-10 flight from Milan to Valencia, departing Milan around 4 AM and arriving into Valencia (still pictured in a hole) early in the morning.

During my time in Venezuela I squeezed in another round trip to Quito and back in another 737-200. Our Venezuela flights were based on real-world cargo operations so using that inspiration I took a FedEx DC-10 up to Memphis. In all of my simming in all versions I had never before flown into or out of Memphis – Holy Cow there are a lot of runways and a lot of 747s in Memphis! From Memphis I took another 737 flight to Denver.

Next up was another DC-10 flight from Colorado to Hawaii and then continuing on to Hong Kong.
From Hong Kong it was a short flight in the 737-200 to Manila and then my last, long DC-10 flight up to Islamabad Pakistan.

I was finally able to conclude my FSX 'Round the World adventure with a 737 flight back down to our starting location which was Mumbai.
737-200 legs:
Leg Two – Amsterdam > G'dansk (Transavia)
Leg Three – G'dansk > Zagreb (SKY)
Leg Five – Addis > Nairobi (Ethiopian)
Leg Eight – Valencia > Quito (Private Livery)
Leg Nine – Quito > Valencia (Star Air)
Leg Eleven – Memphis > Denver (United)
Leg Fourteen – Hong Kong > Manila (Braniff)
Leg Sixteen – Islamabad > Mumbai (Palm Air)

DC-10 legs:
Leg One – Mumbai > Amsterdam (Air India)
Leg Four – Zagreb > Addis (Flight Club)
Leg Six – Nairobi > Milan (Alitalia)
Leg Seven – Milan > Valencia (Centurion)
Leg Ten – Valencia > Memphis (Federal Express)
Leg Twelve – Denver > Honolulu (Continental)
Leg Thirteen – Honolulu > Hong Kong (Far Eastern)
Leg Fifteen – Manila > Islamabad (Pakistani)

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