Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bill Hoyt Around the World

Bill Hoyt, from Michigan, was a member of our Virtual Airline for a couple of years in the mid 2000's:

Hoyt Legs 1-8 Flight Club World Tour Legs 1-8: Not being one to do things the conventional way, I approached this world tour a bit differently. I have flown quite a few world tours in my time, both from the east to the west and from the west to the east. This tour would be different, this time I planed a route that would go from south to north and have me landing in 19 countries, on all seven continents, using 18 different aircraft. World Tour Route Map

Leg 1 - Quito, Ecuador(SEQU) to La Paz, Bolivia(SLLP) Pilot: Bill Hoyt Pilot Rank: 10 Flight Date: 2006 NOV 29 Flight Distance: 1,161.9 nm Pushback Time: 06:50 Local 11:50 GMT Departure Time: 07:00 Local 12:00 GMT Shut Down Time: 11:10 Local 15:10 GMT Flight Time: 03:10 - 3.17 HRS Aircraft Used: Flight Club Airbus A321 Weather: Real Weather Download Air Traffic Controlled Used: FS Internal ATC Cruise Altitude: FL250 Fuel Used: 4,334.37 gallons - 29,040.28 pounds Route: SEQU-SLLP Flight Notes Leg 1: After filing my IFR flight plan and being cleared to taxi to runway 35, I departed Mariscal Secre Intl' in Quito, Ecuador on a bright clear spring morning bound for La Paz, Bolivia. This is the first leg of the many, it will take, for my world tour. The flight was uneventful. Upon arriving near La Paz, ATC ventored me in for an ILS approach and landing on runway 10 at El Alto Intl'. Photo 1 - Enroute to La Paz, Bolivia in the Flight Club Air Bus A321

Leg 2 - La Paz, Bolivia(SLLP) to Santiago, Chile(SCEL) Flight Date: 2006 NOV 29 Flight Distance: 1,024.3 nm Pushback Time: 11:50 Local 15:50 GMT Departure Time: 12:00 Local 16:00 GMT Shut Down Time: 15:50 Local 19:50 GMT Flight Time: 03:50 - 3.83 HRS Aircraft Used: Beechcraft King Air 350 Cruise Altitude: FL250 Fuel Used: 458.16 gallons - 3,069.67 pounds Route: SLLP-SCEL Flight Notes Leg 2: After receiving clearance to taxi to runway 28, on a warm spring afternoon, I departed El Alto Intl' in La Paz, Bolivia bound for Arturo Merino Benitez Intl' in Santiago, Chile. The flight was uneventful. As I approached Santiago, ATC vectored me to an ILS approach and landing on runway 17. The next leg of my journey was not scheduled to depart until 07:00 tomorrow, so after a pleasant diner I turned in for the evening. Photo 2 - Departing La Paz, Bolivia for Santiago, Chile in the Beechcraft King Air 350

Leg 3 - Santiago, Chile(SCEL) to Ushuaia, Argentina(SAWH) Flight Date: 2006 NOV 30 Flight Distance: 1,307.3 nm Pushback Time: 06:50 Local 10:50 GMT Departure Time: 07:00 Local 11:00 GMT Shut Down Time: 10:20 Local 14:20 GMT Flight Time: 03:20 - 3.33 HRS Aircraft Used: Flight Club Bombardier CRJ-700 Cruise Altitude: FL290 Fuel Used: 2,700.59 gallons - 18,093.95 pounds Route: SCEL-SAWH Flight Notes Leg 3: I arrived at the airport at dawn under a star filled sky. I filed my IFR flight plan from Arturo Merino Benitez Intl' in Santiago, Chile to - Ushuaia Intl Malvine Is in Ushuaia, Argentina near the southern tip of the South American Continent. Once my flight plan had been cleared and I had completed my preflight checklist, I contacted ground control and was cleared to taxi to and hold short of runway 17. Weather was good, but did run into a bit of turbulance along the Chile/Argentina border. Approaching Ushuaia ATC vectored me to an ILS approach and landing on runway 25. Photo 3 - Departing Santiago, Chile in the Flight Club Bombardier CRJ-700

Leg 4 - Ushuaia, Argentina(SAWH) to McMurdo Station, Antarctica(NZIR) Flight Date: 2006 NOV 30 Flight Distance: 2,606.5 nm Pushback Time: 11:20 Local 15:20 GMT Departure Time: 11:30 Local 15:30 GMT Shut Down Time: 08:50 Local 21:50 GMT Flight Time: 06:20 - 6.33 HRS Aircraft Used: Orbit Airlines Boeing 777-300 Cruise Altitude: FL320 Fuel Used: 19,548.75 gallons - 130,976.63 pounds Route: SAWH-NZIR Flight Notes Leg 4: After a quick lunch, I filed my IFR flight plan from Ushuaia, Argentina to McMurdo Station, Antarctica. This would be the most dangerous portion of my journey, but it was something that had to be done. Seems one of the scientists at McMurdo Station had a serious medical condition that needed treating. I was to take a replacement scientist to the station along with a medical team and some supplies. We would deliver the replacement scientist and supplies, pick up the patient, an ailing scientist, and the medical team would tend to her needs as we flew on to Sydney, Australia, where she would undergo needed treatment. Once clearance delivery cleared our departure, I contacted ground control and was granted permission to taxi to and hold short of runway 25. The flight was long and uneventful. The approach and landing however, are perhaps, the amongst the most difficult I've experienced. There was quite a bit of turbulance as I descended for a visual approach and landing on runway 11, and the fact that the area is utterly baron, with little, to no visual clues as to altitude and glide slope was bad! But then, add to that, the fact, you're landing over 100,000 pounds of iron, going 140 knots, on a 10,000 foot sheet of ice and you can see this could get a bit dicey. Luckily, I managed to get the big bird stopped before slipping and sliding into the sea. ;c) I taxied over to a group of buildings, not far from the runway where the supplies and replacement scientist were unloaded while we waited for our patient. Photo 4 - Ready to take off from Ushuaia, Argentina in a Orbit Airlines Boeing 777-300

Leg 5 - McMurdo Station, Antarctica(NZIR) to Sydney, Australia(YSSY) Flight Date: 2006 NOV 30 Flight Distance: 2,666.7 nm Pushback Time: 10:50 Local 23:50 GMT Departure Time: 11:00 Local 00:00 GMT Shut Down Time: 16:15 Local 06:15 GMT Flight Time: 06:15 - 6.25 HRS Aircraft Used: Orbit Airlines Boeing 777-300 Cruise Altitude: FL320 Fuel Used: 20,000.25 gallons - 134,001.68 pounds Route: NZIR-YSSY Flight Notes Leg 5: Patient on board, medical team seeing to her needs, I file my IFR flight plan and we're cleared for a flight from McMurdo Station, Antarctica to Kingsford Smith Intl' in Sydney, Australia. The tanker finishes topping off our fuel tanks and we taxi back out to the runway 11. Once cleared, we depart, the freezing outpost. We climb to our assigned flight level and settle in for the long flight back to civilization. Approaching Sydney, ATC vectored me to an ILS approach and landing on runway 34L. After landing, I taxied to the gate, where there was an ambulance, waiting to take our patient to the Medical Center for treatment. Parking brakes set at the gate, I let the copilot shut the bird down, as I entered the cabin to wish our patient luck in her treatment. I took the rest of the afternoon to do some sightseeing, then had a nice dinner and turned in for the evening. Photo 5 - Snowy take off from McMurdo Station, Antarctica in the Orbit Airlines Boeing 777-300

Leg 6 - Sydney, Australia(YSSY) to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (AYPY) Flight Date: 2006 DEC 1 Flight Distance: 1,486.9 nm Pushback Time: 05:50 Local 19:50 GMT Departure Time: 06:00 Local 20:00 GMT Shut Down Time: 08:40 Local 23:40 GMT Flight Time: 03:40 - 3.67 HRS Aircraft Used: Flight Club Boeing 737-400 Cruise Altitude: FL320 Fuel Used: 3,992.62 gallons - 26,750.55 pounds Route: YSSY-AYPY Flight Notes Leg 6: The next morning I took a cab to the airport at dawn. I filed my IFR flight plan from Sydney, Australia to Jacksons Airport in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. After my flight plan had been cleared and my preflight checks completed, I contacted ground control and was cleared to taxi to and hold short of runway 34L. The flight went well, as I approach the coast of Papua New Guinea, ATC vectored me to a visual approach and landing on runway 32L. I grabbed a quick lunch in the pilots lounge before departing on the next leg of my flight. Photo 6 - Waiting for a fuel truck at Sydney, Australia in the Flight Club Boeing 737-400

Leg 7 - Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea(AYPY) to Lapu-Lapu, Philippines(RPVM) Flight Date: 2006 DEC 1 Flight Distance: 1,834.7 nm Pushback Time: 09:50 Local 00:50 GMT Departure Time: 10:00 Local 01:00 GMT Shut Down Time: 13:50 Local 05:50 GMT Flight Time: 03:50 - 3.83 HRS Aircraft Used: Flight Club Boeing 737-400 Cruise Altitude: FL320 Fuel Used: 4,794.19 gallons - 32,121.04 pounds Route: AYPY-RPVM Flight Notes Leg 7: Once my flight plan from Port Moseby, Papua New Guinea to Mactan- Cebu Intl' in Lapu-Lapu, Philippines was cleared, I completed my preflight checklist and contacted ground control for taxi clearance to runway 32R. Took off into scattered clouds, turned towards the Philippines and climbed to my assigned flight level. Once I got near the Lapu-Lapu, ATC vectored me around for an ILS approach and landing on runway 4. Photo 7 - Ready for pushback at Port Moresby in the Flight Club Boeing 737-400

Leg 8 - Lapu-Lapu, Philippines(RPVM) to Hong Kong, SAR(VHHH) Flight Date: 2006 DEC 1 Flight Distance: 931.3 nm Pushback Time: 14:50 Local 06:50 GMT Departure Time: 15:00 Local 07:00 GMT Shut Down Time: 16:40 Local 09:40 GMT Flight Time: 02:40 - 2.67 HRS Aircraft Used: Flight Club Boeing 737-500 Cruise Altitude: FL320 Fuel Used: 2,680.81 gallons - 17,961.44 pounds Route: RPVM-VHHH Flight Notes Leg 8: I filed my flight plan from Lapu-Lapu, Philippines to Hong Kong Intl', once cleared, I contacted ground control and was cleared to taxi to and hold short of runway 4. After waiting for a 767 to land, I was cleared to take off. I took off from runway 4 into a hot and humid sky with scattered clouds. The flight went well, as I approached Hong Kong, ATC vectored me in for an ILS approach and landing on runway 7R. Due to traffic not being cleared of the runway, ATC instructed me to go around. I was vectored around for another go at an ILS approach and landing on runway 7R, this time successfully. Photo 8 - Sunset flight to Hong Kong in the Flight Club Boeing 737- 500 FFX Sunset

Flight Club World Tour Legs 9-15: The first third of the legs I will fly on my world tour are behind me. Having flown 13,019.6 nm in six different aircraft so far, I've already completed better than half the distance I will cover on this world tour. Up to this point, I have been to four continents and nine countries with more to come. World Tour Route Map - Completed legs highlighted in Red

Leg 9 - Hong Kong, SAR(VHHH) to Nagpur, India(VANP) Pilot: Bill Hoyt Pilot Rank: 10 Flight Date: 2006 DEC 2 Flight Distance: 1,947.8 nm Pushback Time: 05:50 Local 22:50 GMT Departure Time: 06:00 Local 23:00 GMT Shut Down Time: 08:55 Local 03:55 GMT Flight Time: 04:55 - 4.92 HRS Aircraft Used: Flight Club Boeing 737-800 Weather: Real Weather Download Air Traffic Controlled Used: FS Internal ATC Cruise Altitude: FL320 Fuel Used: 4,468.8 gallons - 29,940.96 pounds Route: VHHH-VANP Flight Notes Leg 9: After filing my IFR flight plan and being cleared to taxi to runway 7L, I departed Hong Kong Intl' on a rainy morning bound for Nagpur Intl' in Nagpur, India. Shortly after take off, I began my climb to my assigned cruise altitude on the runway heading. I soon broke through the cloud cover and was treated to the beauty of the sun rising over the South China Sea surrounded by a stunning azure sky. I was just beginning to enjoy the view when ATC instructed me to turn to a heading of 295ยบ and resume own navigation. Oh well, guess the sun would just be following me on my western trek to India. As I approached Nagpur, ATC vectored me to an ILS approach and landing on runway 32. Photo 9 - Rainy morning take off from Hong Kong in the Flight Club Boeing 737-800

Leg 10 - Nagpur, India(VANP) to Muscat, Oman(OOMS) Flight Date: 2006 DEC 2 Flight Distance: 1,160.8 nm Pushback Time: 09:50 Local 04:50 GMT Departure Time: 10:00 Local 05:00 GMT Shut Down Time: 11:20 Local 08:20 GMT Flight Time: 03:20 - 3.33 HRS Aircraft Used: Flight Club Boeing 737-800 Cruise Altitude: FL320 Fuel Used: 2,750.45 gallons - 18,428.02 pounds Route: VANP-OOMS Flight Notes Leg 10: I filed my flight plan from Nagpur, India to Seeb Intl' in Muscat, Oman. Once cleared, I contacted ground control and was cleared to taxi to and hold short of runway 32. I had to wait, while a 737 landed befor taking off. As directed, I followed the runway heading, then turned to the west and climbed to my assigned cruise altitude. As I approached Muscat, ATC vectored me to an ILS approach and landing on runway 8. Photo 10 - Ready to depart Nagpur, India in the Flight Club Boeing 737-800

Leg 11 - Muscat, Oman(OOMS) to Cairo, Egypt(HECA) Flight Date: 2006 DEC 2 Flight Distance: 1,492 nm Pushback Time: 11:50 Local 08:50 GMT Departure Time: 12:00 Local 09:00 GMT Shut Down Time: 15:35 Local 13:35 GMT Flight Time: 03:35 - 3.58 HRS Aircraft Used: Bombardier Learjet 45 Cruise Altitude: FL320 Fuel Used: 603.43 gallons - 4,042.98 pounds Route: OOMS-HECA Flight Notes Leg 11: I filed my flight plan from Muscat, Oman to Cairo Intl' in Cairo, Egypt. Once cleared ground control directed me to taxi to and hold short of runway 8. After take off I followed the runway heading, as I climbed to my initial flight level. Turning west, I setled in for the flight to Egypt. As I approached Cairo, ATC vectored me to an ILS approach and landing on runway 5R. Photo 11 - Approaching Cairo, Egypt with the Pyramids in the background in the Flight Club Lear 45

Leg 12 - Cairo, Egypt(HECA) to Rome, Italy(LIRF) Flight Date: 2006 DEC 2 Flight Distance: 1,165.8 nm Pushback Time: 15:50 Local 13:50 GMT Departure Time: 16:00 Local 14:00 GMT Shut Down Time: 18:15 Local 17:15 GMT Flight Time: 03:15 - 3.25 HRS Aircraft Used: Flight Club Executive Bombardier Learjet 45 Cruise Altitude: FL320 Fuel Used: 520.52 gallons - 3,487.46 pounds Route: HECA-LIRF Flight Notes Leg 12: I filed my flight plan from Cairo, Egypt to Fiumicino in Rome, Italy. Once cleared ground control directed me to taxi to and hold short of runway 5R. I took off following the runway heading, I looked down in wonder at the sight of one of the ancient wonders of the world, the pyramids, before turning northwest towards Rome. Approaching Rome, ATC vectored me in for an ILS approach and landing on runway 34L. Photo 12 - Moonlight flight to Rome, Italy in the Flight Club Lear 45

Leg 13 - Rome, Italy(LIRF) to Paris, France(LFPO) Flight Date: 2006 DEC 2 Flight Distance: 592.6 nm Pushback Time: 18:50 Local 17:50 GMT Departure Time: 19:00 Local 18:00 GMT Shut Down Time: 21:00 Local 22:00 GMT Flight Time: 04:00 - 4.00 HRS Aircraft Used: Beechcraft King Air 350 Cruise Altitude: FL200 Fuel Used: 419.86 gallons - 2,813.06 pounds Route: LIRF-LFPO Flight Notes Leg 13: I filed my flight plan from Rome, Italy to Orly Airport in Paris, France. Once cleared, ground control cleared me to taxi to and hold short of runway 34L. After take off, I followed the runway heading before turning north towards the french boarder. As I approached the mountains along the French Italy border, ATC directed me to climb and maintain flight level 220. Once, I was beyond the mountains, ATC directed me to return to my cruise altitude. Approaching Paris, I was vectored to an ILS approach to runway 6, unfortunately the first two attemps to land were waved off, due to crowded airspace. Finally, on the third attempt they got the separation between landing aircraft sufficient to allow me to land. It had been a long day, so after landing I took a cab to the hotel, ordered room service and turned in for the evening. Photo 13 - Wating for clearance of my flight plan from Rome, Italy to Paris, France

Leg 14 - Paris, France(LFPO) to Edinburgh, Scotland(EGPH) Flight Date: 2006 DEC 3 Flight Distance: 493.3 nm Pushback Time: 08:50 Local 07:50 GMT Departure Time: 09:00 Local 08:00 GMT Shut Down Time: 11:30 Local 11:30 GMT Flight Time: 03:30 - 3.5 HRS Aircraft Used: Beechcraft Baron 58 Cruise Altitude: FL140 Fuel Used: 61.16 gallons - 409.77 pounds Route: LIRF-LFPO Flight Notes Leg 14: After a hearty breakfast, I took a cab to the airport. I filed my flight plan from Paris, France to Edinburgh, Scotland. Once cleared, ground control cleared me to taxi to and hold short of runway 6. I took off into clear skies, following the runway heading, then turning on course I climbed to my assigned cruise altitude. As I approached Edinburgh, ATC vectored me to an ILS approach and landing on runway 6. Photo 14 - Departing Paris, France for Edinburgh, Scotland in the Beechcraft Baron 58

Leg 15 - Edinburgh, Scotland(EGPH) to Keflavik, Iceland(BIKF) Flight Date: 2006 DEC 2 Flight Distance: 749.2 nm Pushback Time: 12:50 Local 12:50 GMT Departure Time: 13:00 Local 13:00 GMT Shut Down Time: 17:30 Local 17:30 GMT Flight Time: 04:30 - 4.5 HRS Aircraft Used: Mooney Barvo Cruise Altitude: FL180 Fuel Used: 69.41 gallons - 465.05 pounds Route: LIRF-LFPO Flight Notes Leg 15: After landing and shutting down the Baron, I had lunch before picking up the Mooney Bravo I would be flying on the next couple of legs of the tour. I filed my flight plan from Edinburgh, Scotland to Keflavik, Iceland. Once cleared, ground control directed me to taxi to and hold short of runway 6. I took off, flying the runway heading, before turning to the northwest towards Iceland. I climbed to my assigned cruise altitude. As I approached Keflavik, ATC vectored my to an ILS approach and landing on runway 2. Photo 15 - Departing Edinburgh, Scotland for Keflavik, Iceland in the Mooney Bravo

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