Wednesday, November 24, 2010

CapTim D Lee

LEE Leg 1 Way back in the days of Flight Simulator 2000, Microsoft posted a flight plan for going around the world, with suggested routes and aircraft. While I have not been able to find a direct link to this adventure since was created, the flight information can still be accessed by searching for "around the world" on

I have chosen to use this Microsoft plan as my guide. I have however, adapted the plan for personal enjoyment and to fit the requirements for Flight Club International Airways.
I live in the Nashville, Tennessee, USA, area, so I chose to start from the Nashville area instead of Chicago. I have chosen the "warm- up flight" to go from Sumner County Regional in Gallatin, Tennessee, USA, to Nashville, Tennessee, about 21 nm direct. The final leg will be from Casper, Wyoming, to Nashville International. (The "warm-up" flight in Microsoft's version was Meigs to O'Hare, with the final flight being Casper to O'Hare.)

I may or may not use their suggested routing, as the routing in FS2004 seems to be superior to routing in FS2000. This will be a case- by-case decision. Microsoft said there were 22 segments. However, several of the segments had multiple landings. I will make all suggested landings, and therefore will show 31 legs. Depending on what aircraft I'm flying, and what the fuel situation is, some of the "landings" may be Touch-and-Gos. If a segement ends with a Touch-and-go, that will be noted in the PIREP. My total number of complete stop landings, however, will be greater than the 12 required for this flight (since there will obviously be a complete stop landing to change planes!)

Some of the suggested aircraft are no longer stock aircraft with FS2004 (the Sopwith Camel, for instance), and some aircraft are not in the Flight Club International Airways Hangar. Many legs will have me flying a different plane than was suggested. No plane model flys more than 2 of the original Microsoft 22 segments. A total of 15 different aircraft models (including two 737 variants, the -200 and the -500) are scheduled for use. This, of course, is subject to change, but a minimum of 12 models will be used.

LEE Leg 2 Pilot Name: CapTim Pilot Rank: Captain Flight: 01 of 31: Nashville Intl, Tennessee, USA (KBNA) to Fayetteville Regl/Grannis, North Carolina, USA (KFAY) Flight mileage (As planned): 395 nm Pushback Time: 18:42 Shut Down Time: 22:18 Aircraft: F.S Flight Club Cargo "Clean" Aero Design AC500 Routing: VOR to VOR: KBNA BNA VXV CLT SDZ POB FAY KFAY Weather: Pushback at Nashville: Wind 261 at 10. Visibility 9. Few clouds at 7000. Temp 33. Dewpoint 14. A2999. Approach to Fayetteville: Wind 056 at 4. Visibility 3 in light rain. Few clouds at 3700 ceiling 10000 broken. Temp 24. Dewpoint 22. A2999. Fuel used: 69 gal Notes: Visibility was very poor through parts of the flight, so was an IFR flight. The clouds cleared up just enough over the Smokey Mountains to get a picture or two. By the time I got to Asheville, North Carolina, the sun was down and dark was quickly coming. Landed on rwy 4 and parked in GA parking. Next stop: Orlando, Florida

LEE Leg 3 Pilot Name: CapTim Pilot Rank: Captain Flight: 03 of 31: Fayetteville Regl/Grannis, North Carolina, USA (KFAY) to Orlando Intl, Florida, USA (KMCO) Flight mileage (As planned): 441 nm Startup Time: 12:56 Shut Down Time: 15:46 Aircraft: WoodArt Design Blue & Grey Beechcraft Baron 58 Routing: VOR to VOR (modified): KFAY TGQ CHS NRB ORL KMCO Weather: Pushback at Fayetteville: Wind 027 at 10. Visibility 5. Ceiling 5000 broken. Severe Thunderstorms in area. Temp 29. Dewpoint 21. A3005. Approach to Orlando: Wind 093 at 6. Visibility > 20 miles. Few clouds at 3800 7000 ceiling 10000 broken. Thunderstorms in area. Temp 29. Dewpoint 26. A3009. Fuel used: 70 gallons Notes: Weather was not great, but I started with a VFR plan since I wanted to buzz the Curtis L Brown Jr Field in Elizabethtown, North Carolina (I have family living in E-Town). Fortunately, the weather cleared somewhat just before Elizabethtown, so I was able to buzz the airport, then I turned to 220 toward Charleston before I crossed the Elizabethtown NDB. Picked up the Charleston VOR shortly and headed directly for the VOR, climbing to 8500. The weather turned bad again, but cleared up quite a bit after Savannah, Georgia. About 130 nm S of the CHS, I had DME indication for the Mayport VOR, but no direction signal. I tuned VOR2 to the Orlando VOR, and saw a good signal, so I headed for the 181 inbound course, which took me on nearly the filed path anyway. Just south of Jacksonville, Florida, the clouds got very thick and low, so I filed IFR plan to KMCO. Landed without incident on runway 18R (ILS approach) and taxied to the GA parking, with lightning strikes in the distance. Next Stop: George Town, the Bahamas

LEE Leg 4 Pilot Name: CapTim Pilot Rank: Captain Flight: 04 of 31: Orlando Intl, Florida, USA (KMCO) to George Town, Bahamas (MYEG) Flight mileage (As planned): 443 nm Startup Time: 12:58 Shut Down Time: 15:20 Aircraft: FSFC Pilatus PC-12 Routing: Low-altitude airways Weather: Pushback at Orlando: Wind calm. Visibility > 20 miles. Sky: ceiling 8000 broken. Temp 28. Dewpoint 24. A3011. Notes: Dodged thunderstorms off and on most of the flight. Would have clouds & storms, then clear for awhile. Weather was great on approach. No weather reporting station at George Town -- visual observation - clear! Next Stop: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

LEE Leg 5 Pilot Name: "CapTim" TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Flight: 05 of 31: George Town, Bahamas (MYEG) to Santo Domingo Las Americas Intl, Dominican Republic (MDSD) Flight mileage (As planned): 487 nm Startup Time: 15:32 Shut Down Time: 17:41 Aircraft: FS2004 Default Beechcraft King Air 350 Routing: MYEG PVN GTK PTA CDO MDSD Fuel used:[b] 296 gal [b]Weather: Pushback at George Town: Wind calm. Visibility . Sky: Clear. A2991. Approach to Santo Domingo: Wind 189 at 6. Visibility 5. Sky: few clouds at 1600 1800 scattered ceiling 10000 broken. Thunderstorms in area. Temp 30. Dewpoint 26. A3000. Notes: No weather observation station at George Town, but weather was great. I filed a VFR flight plan, with ATC Flight following. After takeoff, turned to heading 122, in the general direction of the Providenciales VOR until I picked up the signal at 190 miles out. From here, I had VOR signals the entire route. Beautiful day for flying until I got over the Dominican Republic, where I encountered clouds. When in range of MSDS ATIS, learned Santo Domingo had thunderstorms. Visibility continued to deteriorate, so filed IFR plan to MDSD. Wind blew the plane around some. Landed on the right side of runway 17. Taxied to GA parking. Next stop: Fort-de-France, Martinique, France

LEE Leg 6 Pilot Name: CapTim Pilot Rank: Captain Flight: 06 of 31: Santo Domingo Las Americas Intl, Dominican Republic (MDSD) to Fort-de-France Le Lamentin, Martinique, France (TFFF) Flight mileage (As planned): 574 nm Startup Time: 15:32 Shut Down Time: 17:27 Aircraft: FSFC Intl Dassault Falcon 2000 Routing: High Altitude Airways Weather: Pushback at Santo Domingo: Wind 155 at 6. Visibility 6. few clouds at 1600 1800 scattered ceiling 10000 broken. Thunderstorms in area. Temp 30. Dewpoint 26. A3000. Approach to Fort-de-France: Wind 106 at 9. Visibility 6. Sky: no clouds below 20000. Temp 28. Dewpoint 25. A2991. Notes: Another summer Carribean flight with frequent clouds and intermittant thunderstorms. There may not have been any clouds below 20000 feet, but there certainly was a lot of fog on approach! Next flight: Port-of-Spain, Trinidad via St. Georges, Grenada

LEE Leg 7 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Flight: 07 of 31: Fort-de-France Le Lamentin, Martinique, France (TFFF) to St. George's Point Salines Intl, Grenada (TGPY) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip Leg: Leg 7 The Microsoft Team flew with the unlimited fuel checked. I will stop in St. George's for the suggested fuel stop, then fly on to Port-of- Spain. Flight Distance (as planned): 169 nm Taxi Time: 12:26 Shut Down Time: 14:49 Aircraft: FSFC Intl Stearman P-27 Kaydet Routing: TFFF TLPL TVSV TVSM TVSU TGPY Weather: Pushback at Fort-de-France: Wind 103 at 9. Visibility 6. Sky:2500 scattered 5000 scattered. Temp 29. Dewpoint 25. A2991. Notes: Visibility at times was very poor. At other times, had great views. No Nav radios or GPS, so this was pure VFR / Compass navigation. Monitored ATC and used ATC for landing clearance. No weather observation station at St. George's. Thunderstorms and high winds. Couldn't get photos of lightning, though. Next Destination: Port-of-Spain, Trinidad

Lee Leg 8 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Flight: 08 of 31: St. Georges Point Salines Intl, Grenada (TGPY) to Port-of-Spain Piarco Intl, Trinidad & Tobago (TTPP) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip Leg: Leg 7 The Microsoft Team flew from Fort-de-France with unlimited fuel. I stopped in St. Georges for the suggested fuel stop. Flight Distance (As planned): 88 nm Startup Time: 15:32 Shut Down Time: 16:54 Aircraft: FSFC Intl Stearman P-27 Kaydet Routing: TFFF TTPP Weather: Pushback at St. Georges: No weather observation station. Approach to Port-of-Spain: Wind calm. Visibility 6. 1000 scattered. Thunderstorms in area. Temp 25. Dewpoint 24. A2991. Notes: A "Don't do this in real life" flight, with thunderstorms in the area of the departure and destination airports. I got tired of waiting for the thunderstorms to blow over, so off I went. This was a direct flight, but with no nav radios, gps, or autopilot, other routing didn't make sense. Next Destination: Recife, Brazil via Cayenne, Belem, and Fortaleza

LEE Leg 9 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Flight: 09 of 31: Port-of-Spain Piarco Intl, Trinidad & Tobago (TTPP) to Cayenne Rochambeau, French Guiana, France (SOCA) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 8 Flight Distance (As planned): 656 nm Pushback Time: 15:28 Shut Down Time: 17:17 Aircraft: FSFC Intl Rockwell Sabreliner 65 Routing: High altitude airways Weather: Pushback at Port-of-Spain: Wind 223 at 8. Visibility 6. Ceiling 1200 broken. Temp 28. Dewpoint 25. A2994. Approach to Cayenne: Rain. A2991. Fuel Used: 70 gal / 467 lbs Notes: Once I got off Trinidad, the weather cleared up, and was reasonably good until I was on approach to Cayenne. No weather observation station at Cayenne. Taxied to the fuel pump to top off, then off I went. Next Destination: Recife, Brazil via Belem and Fortaleza

LEE Leg 10 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Flight: 10 of 31: Cayenne, French Guiana Rochambeau, France (SOCA) to Belem Val De Caes, Brazil (SBBE) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 8 Flight Distance (As planned): 440 nm Startup Time: 17:20 Shut Down Time: 18:43 Aircraft: FSFC Intl Rockwell Sabreliner 65 Routing: High altitude airways Weather: Pushback at Cayenne: Rain. A2991. Approach to Belem: Ceiling 1200. A2986. Fuel Used: 43 gal / 313 lbs Notes: Sun set as I was vectored to Val De Caes approach. No weather Observation station at departure or destination. Next Destination: Recife, Brazil via Fortaleza

LEE Leg 11 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Flight: 11 of 31: Belem Val De Caes, Brazil (SBBE) to Fortaleza Pinto Martins Intl, Brazil (SBFZ) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 8 Flight Distance (As planned): 612 nm Startup Time: 18:50 Shut Down Time: 20:33 Aircraft: FSFC Intl Rockwell Sabreliner 65 Routing: High altitude airways Weather: Pushback at Belem: Overcast. A2986. Approach to Fortaleza: Good Visibility . Sky: Clear. A2991. Fuel Used: 58 gal / 385 lbs Notes: Nice weather for landing -- no weather observation sation at departure or destination. Visual landing -- and buildings on either side of the approach. I was glad I nailed the landing the first time - - instead of nailing the buildings! Next Destination: Recife, Brazil

LEE Leg 12 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Flight: 12 of 31: Fortaleza Pinto Martins Intl, Brazil (SBFZ) to Recife Guararapes Intl, Brazil (SBRF) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 8 Flight Distance (As planned): 341 nm Startup Time: 20:36 Shut Down Time: 21:56 Aircraft: FSFC Intl Rockwell Sabreliner 65 Routing: VOR to VOR: SBFZ FLZ MSS REC SBRF Weather: Pushback at Fortaleza: Good Visibility. Clear. A2991. Approach to Recife: Visibility: about 6 miles. A3000. Fuel Used: 48 gal / 321 lbs Notes: Took a long time to get up to speed, but aircraft took off easily. Noticed I had not raised flaps after landing. Rasied flaps, and accelerated to cruise speed -- eventually was Mach .81 at FL350. No weather observation station at Fortaleza. Crowded skies while on final to Recife! Next Destination: Monrovia, Liberia

LEE Leg 13 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Flight: 13 of 31: Recife Guararapes Intl, Brazil (SBRF) to Monrovia Roberts Intl, Liberia (GLRB) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 9 Flight Distance (As planned): 2078 nm Pushback Time: 22:00 Shut Down Time: 02:27 Aircraft: FSFC Intl Flagship Boeing 777-300ER Routing: High Altitude Airways Weather: Pushback at Recife: Fair Visibility. Clear. A3000. Approach to Monrovia: Clear. A2991. Notes: Cruise was at Mach .9 at FL350 most of the flight -- right on the edge of the stress limits of the airframe. Microsoft flight called for a Triple-Seven, but the parking was limited. Next flight is with a 737, which fits this airport much better. Next Destination: Casablanca, Morocco, via Bamako, Mali

LEE Leg 14 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Flight: 14 of 31: Monrovia Roberts Intl, Liberia (GLRB) to Bamako Senou, Mali (GABS) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 10 Flight Distance (As planned): 403 nm Pushback Time: 04:07 Shut Down Time: 05:49 Aircraft: FSFC Intl Sunset Boeing 737-500 Routing: High Altitude Airways Weather: Pushback at Monrovia: Clear. A2991. Approach to Bamako: Thunderstorms. A2991. Notes: I initially missed the runway wide left, so had to go around. I landed on go-around, but cost 30 mins, and it wasn't pretty at that, but the wind was whipping me around. Couldn't get any great lightning shots, but there was a lot of it! Next Destination: Casablanca, Morocco

LEE Leg 15 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Flight: 15 of 31: Bamako Senou, Mali (GABS) to Casablanca Mohamed V, Morocco (GMMN) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 10 Flight Distance (As planned): 1276 nm Pushback Time: 06:08 Shut Down Time: 09:08 Aircraft: FSFC Intl Sunset Boeing 737-500 Routing: High Altitude Airways Weather: Pushback at Bamako: Wind 220 at 1. Sky clear. Temp 10. A2997. Approach to Casablanca: Wind 360 at 3. Clouds - low visibility. Temp 12. A3004. Notes: This was a much better flight. The sun was just beginning to spread its rays across the eastern sky as we boarded the passengers Bamako. Nice sunrise on the sunset plane! Weather was clear or few clouds until began descent, then things started clouding up fast. Landed long on the first attempt, despite not turning off the autothrottle when I was supposed to. Realized my mistake, killed the autothrottle, and eased the bird to rwy 35. Taxied via Taxiway P to gate G1. Next Destination: Cordoba, Spain

LEE Leg 16 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Flight: 16 of 31: Casablanca Mohamed V, Morocco (GMMN) to Córdoba, Spain (LEBA) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 11 Flight Distance (As planned): 306 nm Pushback Time: 12:08 Shut Down Time: 14:18 Aircraft: TooMuchCargo Cessna 208B Grand Caravan Routing: VOR to VOR: GMMN CBA VJF MRN LEBA Weather: Pushback at Casablanca: Wind 046 at 6. Cloudy. Visibility ~5. A3000. Approach to Cordoba: Low clouds. Visibility ~4, but ceiling was about 1800 ft Notes: While there was fog around the airport, I had a clear view of the Casablanca as I flew over. GMSL AWOS on same frequency as Casablanca Center. FS2004 won't let regular radio traffic through while AWOS playing, so I couldn't respond to ATC commands. ATC cancelled my IFR clearance. I was still in IFR conditions, so used my GPS in Terrain Mode to keep me on course. Primary navigation was VOR, with Otto keeping the aircraft at the heading and altitude (5000 ft) I specified. Later I re- established contact with Cordoba Center and re-filed my IFR plan. Weather cleared up once I hit the Spanish coast, and was beautiful until about 20 nm from LEBA, then clouds and fog set in again. Visibility on approach was about 4nm. I was able to see the lights through the fog, got clearance to land, and saw the runway better as I descended and got closer. Nice easy touchdown. Parked next to a tree, since there was nowhere else to park. Next Destination: Palmero, Italy, via Alghero

LEE Legs 17-18 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Legs: 17-18 of 31: Córdoba, Spain (LEBA) to Alghero Fertilia, Italy (LIEA) to Palermo Punta Raisi, Italy (LICJ) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 12 Flight Distance (As planned) - Total: 933 nm LEBA to LIEA: 633 nm LIEA to LICJ: 300 nm Takeoff Time: 02:12 Shut Down Time: 06:35 Aircraft: Rogue Air Convair CV-580 Routing: To Fertilia: VOR to VOR: LEBA CDB YES SSJ MHN ALG AHO LIEA To Punta Raisi: VOR to VOR: LIEA AHO CAR TRP LICJ Weather: Pushback at Cordoba: Overcast. A2981. Approach to Alghero: Clear. A2977. Approach to Palmero: Fog. A2971. Fuel Used: 1324 gal Notes: Note to self: Do NOT attempt long legs of a RTW tour in an aircraft you are completely unfamiliar with. Practice landing PRIOR to setting out on a 4 hour tour. It's not difficult to land -- just go fast enough without going too fast, and keep your descent steady. Don't stalling too soon -- you want to be <= 10 ft above rwy before you stall. No GPS in panel, so I was "forced" to used VOR navigation. Thunderstorms as I approached CDB VOR. Very turbulent about 55-60nm E of CDB. Finally cleared up somewhat as I flew over the Mediterranean. I had plenty of fuel at Fertilia, and no passengers to drop off or pick up, so I did a Touch & Go. Since it was still dark (about 05:10- 05:15 -- panel doesn't have clock and I forgot to check time. I was at 84 DME from CAR at 05:19.), I was under IFR -- I did a touch & go, then declared missed approach, then requested new destination to LICJ. storms again about 120 DME inbound TRP. Pretty Purple Sunrise on approach. Landed just after dawn in the fog. Next Destination: Istanbul, Turkey via Lamezia, Italy

LEE Leg 19 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Leg: 19 of 31: Palermo Punta Raisi, Italy (LICJ) to Lamezia Terme, Italy (LICA) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 13 Flight Distance (As planned): 177nm Takeoff Time: 05:20 Shut Down Time: 06:46 Aircraft: FSFC deHavilland T10 Chipmunk Trainer Routing: VFR along coast of Sicily, then up Italian peninsula. (No NAV radios or autopilot, completely VFR) Weather: Pushback at Palmery: Few Clouds. Q1008. Approach to Lamezia: Ceiling ~1100 ft Fuel Used: 9 gallons Notes: FSFC put me right on a helicopter landing pad that appears to also be a fixed-wing parking spot! The sun was still below the horizon as I took off. I headed out over the water, but kept the north coast of Sicily in sight. Climbed to 10,500 ft to keep above the clouds scattered across the sky. The sun had risen by the time I got to the Italian mainland; I turned north up the boot, keeping the coast on my right. There were low clouds and fog on the approach to Lamezia, but I could finally see once I got below 1000 ft. I Landed on rwy 10 per ATC -- no ramp, and didn't want to park at passenger gate, so parked in grass next to terminal building. Next Destination: Istanbul, Turkey

LEE Leg 20 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Leg: 20 of 31: Lamezia Terme, Italy (LICA) to Istanbul Ataturk, Turkey (LTBA) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 13 Flight Distance (As planned): 599 nm Takeoff Time: 7:09 Shut Down Time: 10:03 Aircraft: Flight Club Airways Mediterranean deHavilland DHC-3 Super Otter Routing: VOR to VOR Weather: Pushback at Lamezia: Overcast. Temp 26. Approach to Istanbul: Wind 077 at 4. Visibility > 20 miles. Sky Clear. Temp 28. Dewpoint 16. A2974. Fuel Used: 248 gal Notes: There was fog at Lamezia, and cloud cover until I got past the mountains in Greece. Since I was in an amphibian, I decided to landed on the water next to rwy 6. Next Destination: Basrah, Iraq, via Damascus, Syria

LEE Legs 21-22 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Legs: 21-22 of 31: Istanbul Ataturk, Turkey (LTBA) to Damascus Intl, Syria (OSDI) to Basrah Intl, Iraq (ORMM) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 14 Flight Distance (As planned): 748 nm to Basrah Takeoff Time: 14:23 Shut Down Time: 18:01 Aircraft: Flight Club Executive Jets Learjet 35 Routing: To Damascus Intl: High Altitude Airways To Basrah Intl: VOR to VOR: OSDI DAM TRF AAR RAF HFR BAV ORMM Weather: Pushback at Istanbul: Wind calm. Visibility > 20. Sky . Temp 26. Dewpoint 15. A2974. Touch & Go at Damascus: Wind calm. Visibility > 20. Sky clear. Temp 54F. A2991. Approach to Basrah: Wind 209 at 1. Visibility > 20. Sky clear. Temp 68F. A2979. Fuel Used: Notes: No weather service at Damascus or Basrah. Weather conditions based on observation and aircraft instruments. Nice, clear day for flying! Touch and go at Damascus Intl at 16:06. Next Destination: Agra, India, via Karachi, Pakistan

LEE Legs 23-24 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Legs: 23-24 of 31: Basrah Intl, Iraq (ORMM) to Karachi Jinnah Intl, Pakistan (OPKC) to Agra AB, India (VIAG) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 15 Flight Distance (As planned): 1724 nm 1101 nm to Jinnah Intl 623 nm to Agra AB Takeoff Time: 10:06 Shut Down Time: 15:05 Aircraft: Flight Club Executive Jets Lockheed Jetstar II Routing: To Jinnah Intl: High Altitude Airways To Agra AB: High Altitude Airways Weather: Pushback at Basrah: Visibility > 20. Sky Clear. Temp 21. A2989. Touch & Go at Karachi: Wind 320 at 5. Visibility 1. Sky condition: Ceiling 1500 broken. Temp 27. Dewpoint 26. A2956. Approach to Agra: Visibility > 20. Sky Clear. Temp 15. A2991. Notes: No weather service at Basrah or Agra. Weather conditions based on observation and aircraft instruments. Skies were hazy as I entered Pakistan, with rain as I executed a touch & go on rwy 25L at Jinnah Intl. The weather cleared somewhat by the time I got to India. I flew by the Taj Mahal on left on final. I parked near the tower, as there were no taxiways or designated parking areas. Next Destination: Hong Kong, China

LEE Leg 25 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Legs: 25 of 31: Agra AB, India (VIAG) to Hong Kong Intl (old Kai Tak), China (VHHX) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 16 Flight Distance (As planned): 2103 nm Takeoff Time: 06:02 Shut Down Time: 11:24 Aircraft: Flight Club Airways Boeing 737-200 Routing: High Altitude Airways Weather: Takeoff at Agra: Visibility > 20. Sky Clear. A2988. Approach to Hong Kong: Wind 102 at 5. Visibility 6. Few clouds at 1800. Temp 27. Dewpoint 24. A2965. Fuel Used: 5072 gal. / 33987 lbs Notes: I DID IT!!!! I changed Microsoft's flight plan slightly. The Flounder told me if I was flying to Hong Kong, I had to land Kai Tak. I found some scenery ( - great package), installed it, and headed out. I was really hoping I'd get the RWY31 approach, touch down and go on my merry way around the world. But, no, the Flounder had conspired with ATC, and I was assigned the Rwy 13 approach. ATC approved me to use the LBD approach (supplied with the scenery). I glanced down at my fuel guage and saw the little red light blinking, and the distance estimator telling me I didn't have enough fuel to go around (that's what I get for not paying attention to the fuel situation early -- I was well over an hour into the flight before I realized I didn't have enough fuel to make it at Mach .81. Had to slow down all the way to Mach .62 at FL310 -- and then I was worried!) I took over from Otto when I saw the approach lights. My turn was just a little shallow, (though the flight analysis curve looked good!), but I was able to just keep it on the right side of the runway. Spoilers, brakes, and reverse thrust slowed the aircraft down, and I taxied to the gate, quite excited -- even my wife was impressed! With only 60 gallons in the tanks, I was glad I'd made it the first time -- I'm not sure I had enough fuel even to get to altitude and make an emergency landing at VHHH! I know, I was flying a 737, not a 747, and it wasn't the greatest landing in the world, but at least I did it without slamming into the hills or water! (Besides, I'm not quite rated for the 747 for FCIA flights -- that should be coming in the next couple of weeks, though, depending on my schedule!) All in all, I considered it a successful first flight into Kai Tak, considering what could have been. Next Destination: Agana, Guam, USA

LEE Leg 26 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Leg: 26 of 31: Hong Kong Intl (old Kai Tak), China (VHHX) to Agana Guam Intl, Guam, USA (PGUM) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 17 Flight Distance (As planned): 1873 Takeoff Time: 06:05 Shut Down Time: 11:11 Aircraft: Flight Club Airways Cargo Lockheed L-1011 TriStar Routing: High Altitude Airways Weather: Pushback at Hong Kong: Wind 066 at 4. Visibility 6. Few Clouds at 2300. Temp 28. Dewpoint 24. A2968. Approach to Guam: Wind 168 at 9. Visibility > 20 mi. Few Clouds at 2000. Temp 29. Dewpoint 24. A2970. Fuel Used: 11427 gal / 76535 lbs Notes: Long cargo flight! After my flight into Kai Tak, I was a little overly-cautious with fuel management. We're finally at an airport that I've been to in real life. On this trip, there are only 4 airports I've actually been to -- M33 (from the outside), KBNA, PGUM, and PHNL (my next destination). Maybe my next trip will include the airports I've flown into/out of. The current plan is to land at USA airports from now till I get home. Next Destination: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

LEE Leg 27 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Leg: 27 of 31: Agana Guam Intl, Guam, USA (PGUM) to Hololulu Intl, Hawaii, USA (PHNL) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 18 Flight Distance (As planned): 3308 nm Pushback Time: 15:04 Shut Down Time: 22:17 Aircraft: FSFC Boeing 767-200ER Routing: High Altitude Airways Weather: Pushback at Guam: Wind 107 at 4. Visibility > 20 miles. Sky clear. Temp 27. Dewpoint 24. A2976. Approach to Honolulu: Wind 049 at 18. Visibility > 20 miles. Few Clouds at 3600 4500 scattered. Temp 28. Dewpoint 19. A2996. Notes: Longest leg on this RTW tour. Sun was beginning to set as I flew over Midway Island. Next Destination: Seattle, Washington, USA

LEE Leg 28 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Leg: 28 of 31: Hololulu Intl, Hawaii, USA (PHNL) to Seattle-Tacoma Intl, Washington, USA (KSEA) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 19 Flight Distance (As planned): 2382 nm Pushback Time: 04:59 Shut Down Time: 10:16 Aircraft: FSFC Boeing 767-200ER Routing: High Altitude Airways Fuel Used: 10040 gal / 67256 lbs Weather: Pushback at Honolulu: Wind calm. Visibility > 20 miles. Few clouds at 5700. Temp 15. Dewpoint 5. A2992. Approach to Seattle: Wind 160 at 6. Visibility > 20 miles. Few clouds at 4500. Temp 28. Dewpoint 10. A2994. Notes: Error downloading weather on takeoff -- tried several times to download, but still couldn't get weather. Downloaded real world weather on approach. Next Destination: Livingston, Montana, USA

LEE Leg 29 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Leg: 29 of 31: Seattle-Tacoma Intl, Washington, USA (KSEA) to Livingston Flying Y Ranch, Montana, USA (MT48) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 20 Flight Distance (As planned): 509 nm Pushback Time: 12:07 Shut Down Time: 15:45 Aircraft: TooMuchFS Express DeHavilland DHC-6 Twin Otter Routing: VOR to VOR: KSEA EAT EPH GEG MSO DRU BZN MT48 Fuel Used: 250 gal / 1670 lbs Weather: Pushback at Seattle: Wind 330 at 6. Visibility > 20 miles. Few clouds at 4500. Temp 28. Dewpoint 12. A2993. Approach to Livingston: A3000. Notes: No weather observation station at Livingston. Flew this as a VFR flight with flight following. Came through a little rain, but only lasted for about 2 minutes. Next Destination: Casper, Wyoming, USA

LEE Leg 30 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Leg: 30 of 31: Livingston Flying Y Ranch, Montana, USA (MT48) to Casper Natrona Co Intl, Wyoming, USA (KCPR) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 21 Flight Distance (As planned): 278 nm Takeoff Time: 16:01 Shut Down Time: 16:56 Aircraft: TooMuchFS North American P-51D Mustang Routing: VOR to VOR: MT48 DNW RIW KCPR Fuel Used: 206 gal Weather: Approach to Casper: Wind 196 at 12. Visibility > 20 mi. Sky clear. Temp 24. Dewpoint 3. A3000. Notes: No weather observation station at Livingston. Few clouds enroute, but always able to maintain VFR. I tried flying upside down a couple of times - never more than about 10 seconds -- I need practice before I even begin to think about an aerobatic display! Next Destination: Gallatin, Tennessee, USA (HOME!!!)

LEE Leg 31 Pilot Name: TD Lee Pilot Rank: Captain Leg: 31 of 31: Casper Natrona Co Intl, Wyoming, USA (KCPR) to Gallatin Sumner Co Regl, Tennessee, USA (M33) Microsoft Round-the-World Trip: Leg 22 Flight Distance (As planned): 1083 nm Takeoff Time: 17:34 Shut Down Time: 21:16 Aircraft: Flight Club Executive Jet StoneAir SA200 Lancer Panel: Two-Engined Biz-Jet by Mario Coelho Routing: High Altitude Airways Weather: Taxi at Casper: Wind 077 at 10. Visibiltiy 9. Sky clear. Temp 29. Dewpoint -1. A3000. Approach to Gallatin: Wind 032 at 11. Visibility > 20 mi. Few clouds at 5500. Temp 32. Dewpoint 17. A3005. Notes: In honor of the final leg for my first succcessful round-the-world trip, I flew the Lancer, outfitted for the occasion with a gold panel. I could have shaved some time off the trip by staying at cruise, but I wanted to see how high I could get. A couple of times I climbed too quickly, and the aircraft stalled and went into an uncontrolled spin. By that time I was high enough that I was able to regain control of the aircraft. I reduced my rate of climb, then got back to altitude. My final cruise altitude was FL640. ATC directed me around KBNA at 3000 ft on approach to visual rwy 35. I was a little hot on the approach, and had to dive at 1300 fpm to get down, but this plane handles very nicely -- about 300 ft AGL I slowed down the descent and barely felt the aircraft touch down. Two seconds of reversers and brakes, and I was at taxi speed. After parking the aircraft, I took a taxi for the 25 minutes trip home, glad to sleep in my own bed for a change! Pirep was filed the next morning. This was fun trip! What adventure awaits me now? Stay tuned to find out....
Requirements Checklist:
Continents: 6 (Requirement of 5 met ater legs 21-22) Africa (GABS, GLRB, GMMN) Asia (OSDI, OPKC, ORMM, VHHX, VIAG) Europe (LEBA, LICA, LICJ, LIEA, LTBA) North America (KBNA, KCPR, KFAY, KMCO, KSEA, M33, MDSD, MT48, MYEG, TFFF, TGPY) Oceania (PGUM, PHNL) South America (SBBE, SBFZ, SBRF SOCA, TTPP)

Countries: 18 (Requirement of 11 met after leg 16) Bahamas (MYEG) Brazil (SBBE, SBFZ, SBRF) China (VHHX) Dominican Republic (MDSD) France (SOCA, TFFF) Grenada (TGPY) Liberia (GLRB) India (VIAG) Iraq (ORMM) Italy (LICA, LICJ, LIEA) Mali (GABS) Morocco (GMMN) Pakistan (OPKC) Spain (LEBA) Syria (OSDI) Trinidad & Tobago (TTPP) Turkey (LTBA) United States of America (KBNA, KCPR, KFAY, KMCO, KSEA, M33, MT48, PGUM, PHNL)

Aircraft: 22 (Requirement of 12 met after legs 17-18) Aero Design Aero Commander 500 (Leg 2) Beechcraft Baron 58 (Leg 3) Beechcraft King Air 350 (Leg 5) Boeing 737-200 (Leg 25) Boeing 737-500 (Legs 14-15) Boeing 767-200ER (Legs 27-28) Boeing 777-300ER (Leg 13) Cessna 182S Skylane (Leg 1) Cessna 208B Grand Caravan (Leg 16) Convair CV-580 (Legs 17-18) Dassault Falcon 2000 (Leg 6) deHavilland DHC-3 Super Otter (Leg 20) deHavilland DHC-6 Twin Otter (Leg 29) deHavilland T10 Chipmunk Trainer (Leg 19) LearJet 35 (Legs 21-22) Lockheed Jetstar II (Legs 23-24) Lockheed L-1011 Tristar (Leg 26) North American P-51D Mustang (Leg 30) Pilatus PC-12 (Leg 4) Rockwell Sabreliner 65 (Legs 9-12) Stearman P-27 Kaydet (Legs 7-8) StoneAir SA200 Lancer (Leg 31)

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