Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dick Graham Around the World

Dick Graham from Ohio was a member of TooMuchFS for a few years in the mid 2000's:

GRAHAM Leg 1 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 1 of ?? Flight Date: 04/08/05 ctual Time: 2030 From-To: KMGY Dayton-Wright Bros - KDAY Cox Intl, Dayton Distance Direct / Plan: 19 nm / Pushback/Start-up Time: 1930 Shut Down Time: 2017 Duration: 0.8 hrs Aircraft Used: Cessna C182S Skylane Routing Used: VFR dead reckoning @ 3000' Departure Weather: clear, moderate winds @ 254 deg gusty, 60 deg F, 29.84" barometer, 50 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 276 lb Pounds of Fuel End: 232 lb Pounds of Fuel Used: 44 lb Fuel Rate: 55 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Departed from rwy 20 at KMGY, my home field, turned toward Springfield VOR to the east while climbing to 3000' - flew right over my condo on the way. Visibility dropped significantly shortly after takeoff with growing clouds. Watched two F16s land at Wright-Pat AFB (KFFO) as I passed by to the south. Very busy skies this evening. Cleared by Dayton tower to land on runway 06R Followed a Mooney ahead of me on a very bumpy final. Below 2000' the visibility improved and I was finally below the big clouds. Touched down at 2000 and taxied to shutdown at 2017 - long way to taxi.

GRAHAM Leg 2 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 2 of ?? Flight Date: 4/12/05 Actual Time: 0215 From-To: KDAY Dayton - SKBO Bogata, Columbia Distance Direct / Plan: 2181 / 2219 Pushback/Start-up Time: 0700 Shut Down Time: 1228 Duration: 5.5 hrs Aircraft Used: FSFC Boeing 737-500 N683FC Routing Used: IFR, high altitude airways, FL330 Departure Weather: clear, light winds @ 114 deg, 51 deg F, 30.08" barometer, 50 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 35572 Pounds of Fuel End: 1113 Pounds of Fuel Used: 34459 lb Fuel Rate: 6266 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Departed at daybreak for rwy 06R at 0700, turned south, and started climb to 33000'. At altitude used 0.7 mach cruise speed to save fuel even though distance is 600 nm short of stated range. Flight was basically a straight shot south down the east FL coast, Cuba, and Jamaica to the Columbia northern coast. Cut back cruise speed to 0.65 mach over Jamaica because fuel usage rate seemed to high. Cleared by Eldorado tower to land on rwy 13L ILS. Heavy clouds present in vicinity of airport. Intercepted ILS localizer 20 nm out. Very busy AI airport. Only 1100 lbs (183 gal) of fuel left is cutting it too close for me even though the rate was 700 lb/hr less than the 7083 I used initially. I need to fly slower, fly higher, or reduce the range I use for the plane.

GRAHAM Leg 3 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 3 of ?? Flight Date: 4/12/05 Actual Time: 2200 From-To: SKBO Bogota - SPTN Tacna Distance Plan / Direct: 1510 / 1384 Pushback/Start-up Time: 1330 Shut Down Time: 1751 Duration: 4.4 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC Cessna C550 Citation II N288FC Routing Used: IFR, high altitude airways, FL 410 Departure Weather: few clouds 10300 base moderate turbulence, calm winds, 46 deg F, 30.29" barometer, 10 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 5007 lb Pounds of Fuel End: 1276 lb Pounds of Fuel Used: 3731 lb Fuel Rate: 848 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Departed rwy 31R, 2 heavies ahead Building T-storms near Bogata Cruise at 0.65 mach Began descent from FL410 @ 138 nm out (35% fuel) Heavy clouds in vicinity of SPTN; had to descend at 3000 fpm to get to 6000' from 12000' 15 nm out. Followed TriMotor on visual final to rwy 02 until I passed under and right of him Bumpy approach, got off runway and parked before TriMotor behind me landed

GRAHAM Leg 4 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 4 of ?? Flight Date: 04/13/05 Actual Time: 0745 From-To: SPTN Tacna - SAEZ Buenos Aires Distance Plan / Direct: 1235 nm / 1186 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 0700 Shut Down Time: 1043 Duration: 3.8 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC Embraer ERJ-145 OO-FCI Routing Used: IFR, high altitude airways, FL330 Departure Weather: scattered clouds, calm winds, 62 deg F, 29.86 barometer, 10 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 12059 lb Pounds of Fuel End: 5262 lb Pounds of Fuel Used: 6797 lb Fuel Rate: 1789 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Departed 02, started climb, turned west toward VOR waypoint, then south down coast of Chile Southeast away from coast at SAREG intersection; cruise @ 0.64 mach Blue tinged haze day today Start descent 98 nm out; cleared for ILS approach to rwy 35 Poor visibility @ 3000' on left base leg to 35, appears to be at minimums Saw lights @ 3.2 nm, saw rwy @ 2 nm. Has to go around because plane on runway cleared for takeoff (0.2 nm away) Rain started on go-around north of airport On next approach, Dash 8 on runway to takeoff;

GRAHAM Leg 5 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 5 of -- Flight Date: 04/14/05 Actual Time: 2100 From-To: SAEZ Buenos Aires, Argentina - SCRM Marsh, Isla Rey Jorge, Antarctica Distance Plan / Direct: 1804 nm / 1641 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 0800 Shut Down Time: 1522 Duration: 7.5 Aircraft Used: Lockheed Super Constellation FSFC N589FC Routing Used: IFR, high altitude airways, FL220 Departure Weather: broken clouds, rain, light winds @ 034 deg, 66 deg F, 29.86" barometer, 2 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 42996 lb Pounds of Fuel End: 8128 lb Pounds of Fuel Used: 34868 lb Fuel Rate: 4649 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Departed rwy 35, turn southeast, climb to 22000'; its fall in Argentina Head southeast across the bulge to the coast, generally follow the coast south At Tierra Del Fuego, passed southernmost city in the world (Ushuaia), southeast across the Drake Passage to South Shetland Is Begin descent @ 70 nm, cleared for rwy 29 visual approach Saw contrail at 7000'? (or are all my engines on fire) With a panel designed for FS9 and an updated FDE, the plane flies great. I chose the connie as a salute to the Pegasus-7, which crashed at Williams field, McMurdo Sound landing. The aircraft, with 80 on board, was flying from Christchurch, New Zealand, on its first flight of the 1970-71 season. After making six low passes over the field, Pegasus-7 attempted to land in zero visibility, winds gusting to 40 mph in a snowstorm and in 90-degree crosswinds. The starboard wing was torn off completely and the tail unit broken. There were only slight injuries to five on board. The wreckage remains at McMurdo and the airstrip has been renamed Pegasus in it's honor. I landed long without interference.

GRAHAM Leg 6 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 6 of ?? Flight Date: 04/15/05 Actual Time: 0645 From-To: SCRM Marsh, Antarctica - NZPG Pegasus, McMurdo Station, Antarctica Distance Plan / Direct: 2230 nm / 2230 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 0800 Shut Down Time: 1724 Duration: 9.4 Aircraft Used: FSFC Lockheed Super Constellation N589FC Routing Used: IFR, direct, FL100 Departure Weather: scattered clouds, light winds @ 140 deg, -9 deg F, 29.76" barometer, 2 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 44700 (100%) Pounds of Fuel End: 4076 lb (9%) Pounds of Fuel Used: 40624 lb Fuel Rate: 4321 lb/hr 720 gph
Notes: FS ATC Departed rwy 11, continued on south Saw aurora @ sunrise about 60 nm from SCRM over the Antarctic Peninsula and from then on Getting dark @ S78 deg, dark @ S82 deg Furthest south was S83 24 54 / w133 47 54 Pitch black in all directions, hoping there are no failure or running out of fuel Cleared for visual approach to rwy 15. Runway & ramp must be ice - no brakes, have to throttle/reverse-throttle to speed-up and slow down Used recommended economy settings for the connie but only gained 300 lb/hr - try next leg at higher altitude, but 10000' supposed to be the most fuel economical

GRAHAM Leg 7 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 7 of ?? Flight Date: 04/15/05 Actual Time: 1830 From-To: NZPG McMurdo Station Pegasus - NZCH Christchurch Intl Distance Plan / Direct: 2084 nm / 2073 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 0800 Shut Down Time: 1628 Duration: 8.5 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC Super G Constellation N589FC Routing Used: IFR, low altitude airway A338, FL150 Departure Weather: scattered clouds, calm, -2 deg F, 28.92" barometer, 10 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 46500 lb Pounds of Fuel End: 9980 (21%) Pounds of Fuel Used: 36529 lb Fuel Rate: 4297 lb/hr 716 gph
Notes: FS ATC This flight is my reverse recreation of the flight of the Pegasus Connie which crashed landing @ McMurdo in 1970. Departed rwy 33 Ice ramps & runways are a problem - had to keep taxi speed below 4-5 kt or turning and stopping are problematic On my initial takeoff and climb, I ended splashing into the cold, cold sea - engine power started decreasing until the Connie would no longer fly and I did a neat spiral to the water. On my next try after reading the docs for the plane, I realized I didn't reduce the mixture at 10000' per the checklist (who thinks to check the mixture when the engines quit - I do now) Upon reaching altitude, I adjusted for long range cruise at 15000' and 130000 lb gross weight (at 95% fuel) - started out heading 221 deg ended up at 321 deg Most of the way I kept drifting off course and had to keep resetting the gyros (D key) - was not set for gyro drift in realism settings Strange to be heading west at dawn and see the sun straight ahead ATC started descent @ 45 nm out and cleared me for ILS approach to rwy 02 Saw another Connie ahead of me as I turned to final. Parked at the gate next to a Navy Connie. (plane and AI I downloaded & installed)

GRAHAM Leg 8 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 8 of ?? Flight Date: 04/16/05 Actual Time: 0915 From-To: NZCH Christchurch - YSSY Sydney New Zealand Australia Distance Plan / Direct: 1149 nm / 1148 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 1000 Shut Down Time: 1454 Duration: 4.9 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC Lockheed C130 D-AFCH Routing Used: IFR, high altitude airways, FL310 Departure Weather: clear, calm, 50 deg F, 29.92" barometer, unlimited visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 60292 lb Pounds of Fuel End: 40239 lb Pounds of Fuel Used: 20053 lb Fuel Rate: 4092 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Plane loaded to 800 lb under maximum weight Takeoff from rwy 02, 21 kt headwind whole way Started descent @ 102 nm, cleared for ILS approach to rwy 16L Big clouds and visibility decrease at Australian coast Crappy view of downtown Sydney on final to 16L Touchdown @ 1442, shutdown @ 1454 after long taxi Busy airport with most gates full and multi planes taxiing

GRAHAM Leg 9 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 9 of ?? Flight Date: 04/16/05 Actual Time: 1600 From-To: YSSY Sydney - AYPY Port Moresby Australia Papua New Guinea Distance Plan / Direct: 1848 nm / 1486 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: noon Shut Down Time: 1710 Duration: 5.2 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC 727-200 N585FC Routing Used: IFR, VOR-VOR, FL290 Departure Weather: clear, light wind @ 307 deg, 62 deg F, 30.09" barometer, unlimited visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 58959 lb (100%) Pounds of Fuel End: 18598 lb (32%) Pounds of Fuel Used: 40361 lb Fuel Rate: 7762 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Takeoff rwy 34L, turn to course & climb to altitude, mach 0.7 cruise Fly VOR-VOR around northeast coast of Australia At COE NDB, turn out across the Coral Sea and Gulf of Papua at 40 deg towards AYPY (1600 and 42% fuel) Cleared for ILS approach to rwy 14L; turn to final near sunset AGAIN, and shutdown in the dark AGAIN

GRAHAM Leg 10 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 10 of ?? Flight Date: 04/17/05 Actual Time: 0830 From-To: AYPY Port Moresby - RPLL Manila Papua New Guinea Philippines Distance Plan / Direct: 2131 nm / 2119 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 0600 Shut Down Time: 1158 Duration: 6.0 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC 737-500 Flight Club in Action N688FC Routing Used: IFR, B462 Victor & Jet airway, FL340 Departure Weather: clear, calm, 59 deg F, 29,91" barometer, unlimited visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 35576 lb (100%) Pounds of Fuel End: 203 lb (<1%) Pounds of Fuel Used: 35373 lb Fuel Rate: 5896 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Departed rwy 14R, turned to follow course northwest along the coast of New Guinea, continued across New Guinea northwest and out into the Pacific Cruised initially at 0.7 mach to 0.65 halfway, and 0.6 65% of way, going to be very close on fuel - lots of alternates though Started descent at 110 nm out (9% fuel) Cleared for ILS approach to rwy 06 Turned to final with 1000 lb (3%) fuel left @ 20 nm out Tanks almost empty at shutdown

GRAHAM Leg 11 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 11 of ?? Flight Date: 04/17/05 Actual Time: 1900 From-To: RPLL Manila - VVTS Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Philippines Vietnam Distance Plan / Direct: 881 nm / 868 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 1300 Shut Down Time: 1548 Duration: 2.8 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC BAe 146-300 G-FSXP Routing Used: IFR, high altitude airways, FL280 Departure Weather: few clouds, calm, 77 deg F, 29.91" barometer, 10 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 20588 lb Pounds of Fuel End: 9337 lb Pounds of Fuel Used: 11251 lb Fuel Rate: 4018 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Departed rwy 06, turned west across China Sea to Vietnam coast, down coast to Mekong Delta, west to airport Cruised at mach 0.65

GRAHAM Leg 12 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 12 of ?? Flight Date: 04/18/05 Actual Time: 0700 From-To: VVTS Saigon - VDPP Phnom Penh Vietnam Cambodia Distance Plan / Direct: 115 nm / 114 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 1630 Shut Down Time: 1735 Duration: 1.1 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC Dash 7-100 OO-FCS Routing Used: IFR, low altitude airways, FL080 Departure Weather: scattered clouds, moderate winds @ 140 deg, 84 deg F, 29.83" barometer, 10 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 2884 (50%) Pounds of Fuel End: 1927 (33%) Pounds of Fuel Used: 957 lb Fuel Rate: 870 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC At 25 nm after takeoff, still no word from ATC, turned back west toward Cambodia Cleared for ILS approach to rwy 23 Light turned to dark on MS reload during final approach to VDPP @ 1722 and 12 nm out Land, taxi, and park in the DARK again.

GRAHAM Leg 13 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 13 of ?? Flight Date: 04/18/05 Actual Time: 1830 From-To: VDPP Phnom Penh - VYYY Rangoon (Yangon) Cambodia Myanmar (Burma) Distance Plan / Direct: 632 nm / 600 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 0600 Shut Down Time: 0751 Duration: 1.9 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC A320-200 VH-FCB Routing Used: IFR, high altitude airways, FL220 Departure Weather: clear, calm, 59 deg F, 29.91" barometer, unlimited visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 21104 (50%) Pounds of Fuel End: 6232 lb Pounds of Fuel Used: 14841 lb Fuel Rate: 1810 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Departed rwy 23 Turned northwest inland along the coast, over Bankok, over the Dawna mountain range at the Burma border. Cleared for a visual approach to rwy 21 Even though airport name is Yangon Intl, tower and ground control kept calling it Mingaladon Fuel usage is bogus since on final I noticed I had 5 deg of flaps in for the whole flight

GRAHAM Leg 14 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 14 of ?? Flight Date: 04/19/05 Actual Time: 0715 From-To: VYYY Rangoon - VGEG Chittagong Burma Bangladesh Distance Plan / Direct: 431 nm / 403 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 0900 Shut Down Time: 1027 Duration: 1.5 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC Learjet 35 N286FC Routing Used: IFR, high altitude airways, FL260 Departure Weather: high cirrus, light wind @ 241 deg, 98 deg F, 29.80" barometer, 10 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 3165 lb (50%) Pounds of Fuel End: 1910 lb (30%) Pounds of Fuel Used: 1255 lb Fuel Rate: 837 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Depart rwy 21 Head northwest, inland of the coast Cleared for visual approach to rwy 23 (even though has ILS) Passed CVN71 aircraft carrier on the way. Planning on taking club F86 down for the next leg if I can get the tail hook installed and working.

GRAHAM Leg 15 From-To: VGEG Chittagong - CVN71 USS Roosevelt - VGEG Bangladesh Distance Plan / Direct: 288 nm / 212 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 1130 Shut Down Time: 1238 Duration: 1.2 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC F86F-30 FC-2291 Routing Used: VFR, VOR-NDB, FL100 Departure Weather: clear, calm, 59 deg F, 29.91" barometer, unlimited visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 2862 (75%) Pounds of Fuel End: 2340 (61%) Pounds of Fuel Used: 522 lb Fuel Rate: 435 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Departed rwy 23 Climb to 10000', head to Cox's Bazar airport & NDB, then head south along the coast Successful carrier landing @ 1205 Taxied to catapult and took off @ 1209 Headed for Cox's Bazar airport & NDB, then to Chittagong Landed on 05 using ILS back course

GRAHAM Leg 16 From - To: VGEG Chittagong - VNKT Kathmandu Bangladesh Nepal Distance Plan / Direct: 500 nm / 479 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 1400 Shut Down Time: 1603 Duration: 2.1 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC Lockheed Jetstar II N266FC Routing Used: IFR, high altitude airways, FL340 Departure Weather: clear, calm, 59 deg F, 29.91" barometer, unlimited visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 12059 (50%) Pounds of Fuel End: 6315 (26%) Pounds of Fuel Used: 5744 lb Fuel Rate: 2735 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Departed rwy 23 Plane struggled to get to 34000'; only 200 kt IAS at altitude Nice flight with good visibility for sightseeing Visual approach and landing on rwy 02

Dick Graham, RTW Leg 17 of ?? Flight Date: 04/21/05 Actual Time: 0730 From - To: VNKT Kathmandu - OPRN Islamabad Nepal Pakistan Distance Plan / Direct: 878 nm / 724 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 0630 Shut Down Time: 0910 Duration: 2.7 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC 757-200 N665FC Routing Used: IFR, high altitude airways, FL340 Departure Weather: clear, calm, 59 deg F, 29.91" barometer, unlimited visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 40870 (50%) Pounds of Fuel End: 19717 (24%) Pounds of Fuel Used: 21153 lb Fuel Rate: 7834 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Long wait for takeoff, very busy; takeoff finally @ 0650 on rwy 20 Started descent 107 nm out; cleared for ILS approach to rwy 30 Low visibility + clouds on final

GRAHAM Leg 18 From - To: OPRN Islamabad - UAFM Bishkek Pakistan Kyrgyzstan Distance Plan / Direct: 689 nm / 571 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 1030 Shut Down Time: 1306 Duration: 2.6 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC Dassault Falcon 2000 OO-FCI Routing Used: IFR, high altitude airways, FL410 Departure Weather: few clouds @ 4500', calm, 71 deg F, 29.83 barometer, 5 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 9042 (75%) Pounds of Fuel End: 5343 (44%) Pounds of Fuel Used: 3699 lb Fuel Rate: 1423 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Depart rwy 30; plane is bouncy on taxi and takeoff run; AI traffic at airport from my soon to be released Mumbai Hub AI package. Difficult time getting to 41000'; once there, flies fine Saw big, big river canyon southeast of Saidu Sharif NDB & airport. Lots of snow-capped peaks between TAPAZ & DINAR intersections Cleared for ILS approach to rwy 26 Something keeps beeping sporadically during descent - flaps 1 notch, wheels up, > 10000' above ground??? Visibility went to pot after a nice sightseeing flight Putting the wheels down stopped the annoying beeping. Missed approach on initial attempt - too high and strong crosswind blew me off course Turned left from MA to downwind. MD80 landing ahead on second approach Plane does a crappy job of following the localizer and glideslope; good that the runway is long, landed 2/3 the way down the rwy.

GRAHAM Leg 19 From - To: UAFM Bishkek - UNNT Novosibirsk Kyrgyzstan Russia Distance Plan / Direct: 844 nm / 784 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 0630 Shut Down Time: 0902 Duration: 2.6 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC MD80 9V-FSFC Routing Used: IFR, high altitude airways, FL310 Departure Weather: clear, calm, 50 deg F, 29.91" barometer, unlimited visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 27596 (75%) Pounds of Fuel End: 15584 (42%) Pounds of Fuel Used: 12012 lb Fuel Rate: 4620 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Departed rwy 26 Very brown scenery; spring obviously not here yet in central Russia Cleared for visual approach to rwy 25 Learjet landed on parallel grass runway??? & there were puffs of 'smoke' from the wheels at it's touchdown???

GRAHAM Leg 21 From - To: USRR Surgut - BGTL Thule AB Russia Greenland Distance Plan / Direct: 4226 nm / 2404 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 1300 Shut Down Time: 1740 Duration: 10.7 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC C5A Galaxy N985FC Routing Used: IFR, high altitude airways, FL320 Departure Weather: broken clouds (7/8), rain, calm, 77 deg F, 29.68" barometer, 3 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 335772 (100%) Pounds of Fuel End: 199230 (59%) Pounds of Fuel Used: 136542 lb Fuel Rate: 12761 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Before the flight I removed the random placed hills (on the rwy), added a few bldgs, parking positions, and AI traffic Departed rwy 07; had to enter runway then back into position at end of rwy for max weight takeoff (needed all 9300' of it, too) Flew through the tops of big T-storms at start Traveled NW across the Urals, then west across southern Finland, Aland Is, Sweden, Norway, Faeroe Is, and Iceland, across Greenland to Sondre Stromfjord, then up the western coast of Greenland to Thule AB Crossed the Faeroe Is @ 1800 local Interesting that @ this latitude (65 deg), I was gaining on the sun so fast that the clock kept going backwards - I reached the east coast of Greenland at 1700 (1 hr before Faeroe Is time) Cleared for an ILS approach to rwy 15 Manually flew the approach (both localizer & glideslope)

GRAHAM Leg 22 From - To: BGTL Thule - CYYT St John's Greenland Newfoundland Distance Plan / Direct: 2448 nm / 1777 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 0600 Shut Down Time: 1210 Duration: 6.3 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC 747-400 Routing Used: IFR, high altitude airways + VOR, FL350 Departure Weather: clear, light winds @ 179 deg, -4 deg F, 30.49" barometer, 10 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 191499 (50%) Pounds of Fuel End: 98927 lb Pounds of Fuel Used: 92572 lb Fuel Rate: 14694 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Taxied to rwy 15; waited for T33 to land before my takeoff @ 0612 Flew down the western coast of Greenland to Sondre Stromfjord, across the Davis Strait to Iqaluit on Baffin I, south across Hudson Strait to Quebec (Kuujjuaq), southeast to Gulf of St Lawrence, east across the gulf to Newfoundland, to Gander, to St John's Cruised @ 0.82 mach Began descent @ Gander; cleared for ILS approach to rwy 11 Had to abort and go around - too low and too fast Cleared for visual approach to rwy 34 (16 back course ILS) Wheels would not come down all the way; went around again On next attempt at rwy 34 had the same problem with wheels and decided to go ahead and try landing; got stopped before the end of the rwy - the brakes worked but I couldn't turn; the sim did not register a crash so, I saved the flight. On restarting the saved flight, the wheels were down where they should be; taxied to the gate without problem

GRAHAM Leg 23 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 23 of ?? Flight Date: 04/26/05 Actual Time: 1430 From - To: CYYT St John's - LFVP St Pierre Newfoundland, Canada St Pierre & Miquelon Distance Plan / Direct: 151 nm / 149 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 1400 Shut Down Time: 1521 Duration: 1.4 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC DC3 G-FSFC Routing Used: VFR, NDB-NDB, FL060 Departure Weather: overcast, moderate winds @ 104 deg, 33 deg F, 30.13" barometer, 20 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 1812 (50%) Pounds of Fuel End: 926 (26%) Pounds of Fuel Used: 886 lb Fuel Rate: 633 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Airport was below VFR minimums; had to file IFR plan Departed rwy 11 Bumpy ride; climb to 8000' to get over clouds; to 10000' - smooth Cleared for visual approach to rwy 08; very gusty winds; smooth again at 2000' approach altitude under the clouds Flying the DC3 is a pain in the patoot - I've grown accustomed to the modern conveniences of flying

GRAHAM Leg 25 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 25 of 27 Flight Date: 04/27/05 Actual Time: 0700 From - To: CYHZ Halifax - CYMX Montreal Mirabel Distance Plan / Direct: 461 nm / 447 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 1730 Shut Down Time: 2019 Duration: 1.8 Aircraft Used: FSFC Lockheed L-1011 FCA001 Routing Used: IFR, high altitude airways, FL180 Departure Weather: clear, light winds @ 101 deg, 41 deg F, 30.24" barometer, 20 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 66999 (33%) Pounds of Fuel End: 41653 (21%) Pounds of Fuel Used: 25346 lb Fuel Rate: 14081 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Departed rwy 15 I did a lot of flying on L1011s in the 70's and remember the sounds fondly (the wind noise and whine); Aaron Swindel has it down pat Very hazy, into the sun flight Finally went to 20000' - kept getting messages from ATC about being above and below assigned altitude as the pressure changed Traveled northwest across the Bay of Fundy and St John and on to Montreal Still snow on the ground in a few places Cleared for ILS approach to rwy 11 Pretty sunset; into the haze at 13000' - nothing to see rest of the way On base, I had rain, dark, and haze - my favorite landing parameters Strong right quartering headwind on final Woke up Lola (our Doberman) when I touched down and some very loud alarm started - after 5 minutes of searching (Lola had left the room) and turning down all the individual sounds one at a time I finally found the red button (apparently, turning off the AP after touchdown caused it)

GRAHAM Leg 26 From - To: CYMX Montreal - KBKL Cleveland Distance Plan / Direct: 451 nm / 415 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 0800 Shut Down Time: 0953 Duration: 1.9 hr Aircraft Used: FSFC EMB-170 YV-1311C Routing Used: IFR, low level airways, FL120 Departure Weather: overcast, rain, light wind @ 085 deg, 50 deg F, 29.75" barometer, 1 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 16622 (47%) Pounds of Fuel End: 4300 (12%) Pounds of Fuel Used: 12322 lb Fuel Rate: 6485 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Depart rwy 06; waited for 747 to takeoff ahead Out of clouds @ 5000' following the 747 from takeoff Route to Ottawa, southwest along Lake Ontario to Toronto, south to Erie, then west along Lake Erie No more snow seen along the way Cleared for ILS approach to 24R; Very hazy in east Cleveland area; haze cleared 5 nm from KBKL Had an engine problem on final - getting more power from right than left engine (N1 609 vs. 540) - this is after I fixed it so I can't change individual engine power from the keyboard. Because of engine problem and strong crosswind, had to go around and declare a Missed Approach. Made second approach OK.

GRAHAM Leg 27 Dick Graham, RTW Leg 27 of 27 Flight Date: 04/28/05 Actual Time: 0715 From - To: KBKL Cleveland - KMGY Dayton Distance Plan / Direct: 185 nm / 164 nm Pushback/Start-up Time: 1100 Shut Down Time: 1211 Duration: 1.2 Aircraft Used: FSFC Baron N513FC Routing Used: VFR, VOR-VOR, FL045 Departure Weather: clear, moderate wind @ 257 deg, 46 deg F, 29.91" barometer, 50 nm visibility Pounds of Fuel Start: 426 (50%) Pounds of Fuel End: 200 (24%) Pounds of Fuel Used: 226 lb Fuel Rate: 189 lb/hr
Notes: FS ATC Departed rwy 24L; west-southwest along Lake Erie to Findlay - lots of general aviation AI (not mine) Between Findlay and Lima on way to ROD (Rosewood) VOR, had a Cessna Caravan cross in front of me, east to west, no more that 500' away @ my altitude. Headed south-southeast toward Dayton, past Lima on the right and Indian Lake on the Left, south @ Sydney toward Wright-Pat AFB and FFO VOR, southwest at air base to Dayton-Wright Bros. airport Very hazy approaching Dayton Turned onto KMGY localizer 10 nm north of Wright-Pat Visibility and clouds cleared after Dayton Landed on rwy 20 - have to avoid tower on bumpy final

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