Thursday, November 13, 2008

My First RTW : Leg 26

I grab lunch in the city and at about 14:00 fire up the Silk Air A320 with a destination of Hong Kong - Kai Tak of course.
Kathmandu has this tricky, 4-mile DME arc, looping climb-out procedure, which I use today. The Airbus flies it flawlessly - I just love these little irons.
Who can fly to Hong Kong without trying this great old approach? It is a hazy, breezy, warm day in Hong Kong as I set-up for the 43° turning approach. Call it VFR today but as always, I use the IFR procedures to be sure of my set-up. I cross the VOR not far from the new Hong Kong airport and begin marking my step-downs, flying toward the NDB. Little gusts rock the plane gently but we're looking good so far. "Checkerboard in sight!" I call out to no one - the dog lifts her head and looks at me oddly.

"Okay ... I'm okay ... so far, okay ... oh! *($#^!&*@ ... More Power ... Rudder ... RUDDER! Yes? ... Yikes! ... YES!, YES!, Woo Hoo! Hip Hip Hip!" That's just kinda how landings here go, even in these smaller planes. Having picked myself up off the floor I taxi to the old terminal buildings and then head into the city for the evening.

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