Monday, November 3, 2008

My First RTW : Leg 11

A quick stop for lunch, exercise and rest rooms in Miami and it's back to the skies. I load up a plane from the Golden Age of Jet flight, the Air Canada L-1011 TriStar.

This sucker taxis like a tug boat! By 15:00 I am roaring down the active runway and gently into the skies. I make a slow, graceful, climbing turn out over the water and head north toward Toronto, about 1300 miles away. Again I am airborne for another sunset, this time it sinks into the clouds under my left wing. Toronto is overcast with light rain.

Apparently the L-1011 is a bit of a heavy plane? Either that or there were some windshears that no one bothered to tell me about. I locked- on and followed the ILS right in. This was hand flying and although I could feel some breezes rocking the wings, it was like nothing. I kept about 170 knots IAS but suddenly, SLAM!

Shaking off the shock of the impact I reversed thrust and pulled off onto one of the midfield taxiways. I went back to watch the landing on Instant Replay and to this day I have no idea what happened. I also have no idea how this thing did not register a crash. Approach was smooth, no sign of problems, over the threshold and it was like all lift was suddenly gone and WHAM-O!

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