Monday, November 3, 2008

My First RTW : Leg 12

A bit after 10:00 PM Toronto time I taxi a Braniff International DC-8 out to the runway. This is another older plane and I love the fact that it is loud and, well, obnoxious (just like the real thing).

Whoops, did I offend anyone there? As I climb through the clouds and pull up the gear and flaps I am struck by how much louder the whole process is in these old birds. Maybe it's just my imagination--I have an active one you know!

Once through the clouds and approaching 290 knots I turn southeast and head for New York City. New York's ceiling is broken at about 7000 feet and I plan an approach into 13L, via the Canarsie VOR. I gotta say, really a beautiful city at night.

After a long but smooth landing I head off into "The City that Never Sleeps", looking for a good bed.

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