Monday, November 3, 2008

My First RTW : Leg 9

After a quick tour of the city I get back to the airport and make my way out to an Avianca 757.

Now, I love flying the 757s, these are great planes. Even if you are a big GA fan you've got to have at least one 757 in your hangar! Departure from Quito is uneventful and the mountains around this place are beautiful. Hey, I didn't knock the scenery, how 'bout that? The rest of Tuesday is spent flying out of South America to St. Croix in the Virgin Islands. I watch the sun set behind me over Central America as I descend over the blue Caribbean Sea. This time I let the autopilot intercept the ILS and autoland right down onto the runway, smooth. Truth be known I wanted to watch the island pass by as we came down so once autopilot was locked-in I ran back to row 20 to watch the landing from there (another "advantage" to flightsim over reality).

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