Friday, November 14, 2008

My First RTW : Leg 29

Dinner in Phoenix and I climb into the last plane for this tour. Long yes but I gotta tell ya, I've had such fun doing this. I gotta do more of these. Maybe pick 20 planes randomly and then plan a flight according to which planes I have next? Maybe pick cities from a hatand find planes to fit? Maybe re-fly some of my overseas trips? Wow, I could make ALL of my flights part of a global tour! I'm kinda excited now so I quickly taxi out onto the runway (nearly becoming the cushion for an incoming 737!) Yeow, gotta watch out for those guys. I push the American Airlines MD-90 hard and rocket into the skies.

Another sunset colors the sky as I fly right over my house, then make the left turn toward the Troutdale NDB. Then another left as I make the "River Approach" into Portland's runway 28R. Landing is long, again, but I'm glad to be home safely. Long hot showers and my ownbed tonight, "Ahhhhh." But for tomorrow? I think a Dash 8 will run me up to Seattle and then maybe a KLM 747 to Europe again...

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