Friday, November 14, 2008

My First RTW : Conclusions

So now we know, 11 days and about 29 legs to circle the globe.

Sure, an SR-71 'round the Arctic Circle or three stops in an A380 would be faster but what's the point of that? I must say, those that do this in smaller, slower planes are much more dedicated than I and thosewho do this in the real world, those are the REAL men (and women) of among us!

I want to say a big, fat, THANKS to all who have made this terrific hobby not only possible, but also so addictively fun! Without the dedication and endless hours put in by the panel and aircraft designers, who give back so much of themselves, this would be scarcely more than a game. Also to Nels, who makes this site, and all of it's resources, available to us. You are all more than simple human beings. THANK YOU!

This concludes this Blog. As noted on the first post, I just wanted to share with you a momentous time in my simming career - my First Round the World Flight and my first article published on I hope you have enjoyed reading this. Check out my PROFILE to see other blogs on related topics.

Cheers from "The Flounder"

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