Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My First RTW : Leg 21

It is still pre-dawn when I load up what is quite possibly my favorite all time flightsim plane, the Qatar Airways A330. I depart southbound, back out over the lake and then turn north, back to the Mediterranean. You'd think I had some kind of attachment to the area wouldn't you? And to think that I'm not even a fan of too much sun or heat!
Dawn over North Africa is really something to behold in real-life. If not, flightsim is okay but make sure you watch it from spot plane view. Our destination now is "The Rio of the Mediterranean", Beirut, Lebanon. What a beautiful city, nestled there along the hills, cool waters lapping at the beaches. Tan and white buildings and olive skinned people ... I circle the city to make a southbound, crosswind landing which is not nearly a scenic as the city!

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