Thursday, November 6, 2008

My First RTW : Leg 18

Day Seven, Saturday, 20:00:

That's right, I spent the day in Santorini. So complain already! I've been gone for a full week now, I've flown almost every plane under the sun, I nearly died in Saint Petersburg and I'M IN THE GREEK ISLES! (Warm Tyropita and cold vegetable salad with feta could keep me here a week.)

So, it's back to business now. The cockpit is rather sparse but I like the feel of it. I turn onto the runway and advance the throttles of my KC-135 Air Force Tanker and the GE engines shove me ahead. More power here than in the original 707, I can feel it!

I climb into the star-filled, moonless sky and turn south into Africa. Ahead lies another density altitude challenge. All you Denver pilots need to get out more! Several hours later I make the final turns into Addis, Ethiopia which sits at just near 7,500 feet and in the summer, temperatures can easily top 100°. Now it is the wee hours of Sunday and the temps are cool, into the upper 70's and there is no wind. The landing is smooth and 190 knots does not seem out of place for finals here.

I park out near the fueling depot and head into town for a few hours.

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